Data Center and Cloud Services

Data Center and Cloud Services

The pay-as-you-go pricing plans can simply be configured using a WYSIWIG editor that lets you test and validate the price the customer would pay for the services/functions. It can also be used in estimation.

Cloud computing has come from Enterprises to SMEs to also individual developers and the use of *aaS services like Platform-as-a-Serivce, Infrastructure-as-a-Service and even Data-as-a-service. This has opened the flood-gates for the rise of new kinds of pricing and billing needs sky-rocketing.

Configure Pricing with Ease

“You should be able to imagine a pricing requirement and have it modelled on Simple Billing with ease”

Imagine a pricing scenario and start configuring in on Simple Billing, link it to Products, Customers or Plans and start Billing – as simple as that.

Billing Systems should not be a bottleneck

The Cloud world of Amazon EC2, Cloud Databases and Cloud OSes are all selling virtual products at the click of a mouse or an API call and each event needs to be billed differently based on the kind of service, market and user. This gives rise to new kinds of Billing Models which a legacy system or an inflexible system would act as a bottleneck. Simple Billing does not add a lot to the operations or capital costs to give you the power that is available to a large enterprise in offering those services and yet not worry about how to bill them to compete in the market by staying profitable. Profitability is first casualty of an inflexible billing system choice.

Stun Your Customers

“Inaccurate billing complaints are clogging your customer service centers.”

Stun your customers with accurate billing and avoid sagging operations staff with billing related issues so that the focus can be on serving the business and products and service functions. Simple Billing is time tested, been there for years now and with years and thousands of hours of billing experience and delivering 100s of thousands of invoices without complaints and leads to happy CS staff and end users.

Data Center and Cloud Services

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